Caitlin:A Fairy Tale

Thursday, June 28, 2007

people are infinitely ridiculous

I am done with people


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

expect the unexpected.

I am eternally happy in the state I am in.
I am going to graduate next year, and either do one of two things 1. get an MBA in Social Work; 2. Get my certification (18mos.).
I am glad I get a second chance, to maybe work in a homeless shelter, something I've longed to do for some time.

I feel immensely free as of late. There is nothing holding me down, or back, from anything I want to do anymore. I can go where I please, with whom I please. I can be who I am, and not have to worry about who has a problem with it.
what a great feeling.

Freedom, one of the greatest things out there.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Thing i have been obsessed with this summer

French music (which I find weird.. because a lot of people have been listening to french music that i know)
Movies, specifically fucked up ones.
Miller Lite.
Spongebob Squarepants .. yeah you heard me. lol

Monday, June 11, 2007

Summer '07 [so far]

It has begun!
It feels good to finally be on summer break. Not so good that I am going back to the 8-5 work schedule...but I need the $cashmoney$ terribly. I need clothes and food. Although I think food is definitely better than clothes, but, you know. New summer clothes would be nice as well.

These past days have been pretty intense with my emotions. Thursday Ryan and I ended things for many reasons. I wanted it to work out, but he is one of my best friends, and I really enjoy him being in my life as a friend. Friendship is key, I suppose. Friday was myself finishing a paper, Cerc, Little Kristin, and Vince coming over and getting wassssssted, which ended up Kate in the bathtub on the computer, I'm on the floor on the computer (in a chat room with my friends Maria and Hans, yes we're back in 4th grade), and Vince peeing in our bathroom and Cerc and L'il K watching us. What the hell? It was intense!
Saturday I worked on homework, got shit done (thank god!), and then later my sister and her girlfriend came out. Even later Hans came out, and Maria ended up showing up too. I'm not going to go into details about what happened that night, but it was insanity. Absolute insanity. Believe you me.
Yesterday was hangover day, but I went to the zoo with my parents anyway. I hadn't been to Brookfield Zoo in probably about 5 years, and if it weren't for the cicada infestation I would have enjoyed it much much more. Although it was fun to hang with my parents and do something that I know they loved to do, and my sister, who even though she hates cicadas, was a trooper and went with. I made fun of my dad, we all got dip-n-dots, it was a good day. Then my mom made the classic Italian meal. She rocks at cooking (and I know everyone says that about their mother but I mean really she should have been a gourmet cook) and I hope I learn half the things she does with her cooking. HALF, she is that good. I left at about 8:30 for the train, and I missed the ending of Sopranos, I was updated but am pissed I didn't get to see Phil get his end. THAT would be pretty sweet, I'm not going to lie. but that's ok. When I got home, I was super irritated by how hot it was in my house, and acted real cranky. But I went to bed, and now am a bit refreshed.
And today I am back to working 8-5 and I am excited about it.
This week is my 21st birthday (thursday) and I am too excited for it. My mom is even coming out with us... amaaaaazzzzing.

but now I am back to work....

3 days till my 21st bitchessssss.

Saturday, June 9, 2007


are good.

and i finally got all my shit turned in.

aka i'm on summer break

Sunday, June 3, 2007


i don't know how i feel.
i don't .. i can't explain.

it's just...

why can't you....


please show me you care.

Friday, June 1, 2007


"Octopus' Garden" by the Beatles will cheer you up...

so if you're ever in a bad mood..

do it to it, and dabble in The Beatles

Double P.s. if you ever get the chance to purchase the Love Album from the beatles.. it's a great mix of their music (and some remixed, but not enough where you're like what the hell?) AND the dvd for the Cirque Du Solei Love Beatles is coming sooooooooooooon.
Thank god.


Austin wrote out a lovely short list of goals for this summer, and I was inspired to write my own (when I should be writing a paper lol):

1. Read read read (the books of this summer are: Great Shark Hunt by my lovely man Hunter S. Thompson; more books written by Philip K. Dick; and some other randoms that I am sure I will find)

2. Work out at least 3-4 times a week

3. Only take days off of work when most desperately needed (Aka vacations.. and that's it)

4. Take pictures like a mad woman (yes, Austin this one too but it's a damn good goal)

5. Even though I'm turning 21, my goal is to NOT go to the bars constantly (I can't afford it.. and don't want drinking to get old)

That's it so far.. I might subtract and add a few but you never know..
Now I need to get to work.