february was, what? 7 months ago? and i'm still hurt?
Although it's not a laughing matter, because as much as I tell people I am fine, and that things are going great, every night I still feel like something's wrong with me. I mean, I don't think about it constantly, because, well I'd be crazy. But now I'm terrified of relationships. And yeah, who isn't? But it's all irrelevant in comparison, it's how YOU feel, and I have felt like shit about something for the past 7 months.
And what I was told in April, I could have done without. And it's not like I expected it from him, but it's what I got. And I learned two things from that experience: a. some guys aren't cracked up to everything they say or play off to be and b. something that I have thought was actually good, to some people, is the worst news.
I sound like a bitter bitch right now, but I don't care. I'm not bitter, and those who know the whole story know this, but this has become a journal when I'm at school, b/c god knows I can't write in a notebook, takes too long. I need to do these quick little blogs, to get it out. and be done.
so there i am.
but done.