things that irritate me (tonight's issue)
1. People asking for money.
Ok, I understand. We're all broke from school, our own debts whatever. And I know some people who have put up the donate sign on their blog/myspace/facebook whatever because they really need it. But for me, in my opinion, I just want to say, "We all have $cashmoney$ issues, why should I donate to you?" I guess if you have a REALLY good reason then I understand. But if it's because of school, too fucking bad. It happens. And if it's because you put yourself into debt, whoopdeedoo. And if it's because you have minimum wage job, big deal, there are families out there who have two minimum wage jobs and still can't make the mortgage with kids.
I'm sorry, but if you're between the ages of 18-24, and you're asking for your friends on the internets for fucking money? No. It's called the realworld. Get over it. Unless you have to pay for hospital bills because you or a family member has gotten ill. Ok. If you have kids to worry about, ok. But if you're just some 20 something fuck I knew in high school and just need money, well write a letter to Santa, hunny, because we all need fucking money.
2. Men who think asking a girl they barely know over to have sex with them.
This is the main reason for writing this all out tonight... Now everyone gets horny..but to tell a girl you kind of know that you want to come over so that things "ensue". Nice fucking try buddy. And if you're a girl who agrees to it... sigh. you're not helping my cause. I understand that we all need some sometimes...but seriously people? Do I look like a person who wants to be asked that question? No. Or at least I don't believe so. and I haven't ever had 'random encounters' where someone can spread information aroudn saying that I would, either.
Happy holidays.